My favorites.
1. Scent from B&BW - Twilight Woods
2. Holiday - Christmas
3. Time of day - Evening
4. Movie - Nacho Libre / Napoleon Dynamite
5. Actor - Adam Sandler / Jack Black
6. Actress - Sandra Bullock / Maggie Gyllenhaal
7. Place to visit - Disney World / The Mountains
8. Restaurant - PF Chang's / Castillo De Mexico
9. Dessert - Cami Cakes
10. Color - Blue. Sometimes purple.
11. Cartoon Character - Charlie Brown
12. Childhood toy - Red tape recorder / Barbies
13. Smell - Clean laundry / apple cinnamon / marshmallows
14. TV Show - House Hunters
15. Drink - Cream soda / Cherry limeade
16. Hobby - Making mix cds
17. Store - Target
18. Song (currently) - Current fav song is Afterglow by INXS
19. Month - December
20. Candy - Sour punch straws / Kit Kat
Okay I'm stealing this.